Thursday, December 27, 2012


protection of general(rtd) V.K SINGH has been removed and is been decleared as routien procedure which was executed after bi-anual security analysis of threat to security. Now after wateching this news the question immideatly popped up in my mind that what is the level of threat to the life of Robert Vadehra (damad of sonia gandhi) he is not an important person and has done nothing important for the country then why he is elligible for SPG protection and Indian Army's ex-general who is responsible for deaths and arrest of uncountable terrorists and enemy spies and soldiers he who's enemy list includes national and international names does not require the protection. Govt.of India act more like communists than democratic republic goverment and what can we do about that we cannot ask question now we cannot even protest as sect 144 is in force one constable dies and martial law is decleared and uncountable number of citizen die or get raped everyday but that is ok by govt. that a routien thing as long as the heat does not reach 10th race course or 10 janpath or raysina hills. Ellections are comming and this is the time to decide whether we want to live in a democracy or monarchy with gandhi family as the royal family.