Saturday, December 19, 2015


Most brutal rapist in India will walk free on Sunday after just 3 years in a juvenile justice center. Not because there was lack of evidence, not because prosecution was weak. Because our leaders, politicians specially congress finds it more important to disrupt the parliament to purse their agenda of not letting the Govt. elected by the people to work for the people because this time they are not in power so they will not let anything good happen. So the improved juvenile justice act. was not passed because these intolerant insensitive politicians didn't let the parliament work.
Tragedy is that the guy who as per the court's observation showed highest level of brutality in raping and killing nirbhaya will not get his punishment because his age was 17 years 10 when he committed the crime and our current law says that because of those 2 months he was a minor hence he did not have the clear perspective of right or wrong. My question is had he committed the crime after 2 months he would have had a better prescriptive.................... unbelievable.
Today I want to know what is the importance of a written constitution and law, are they suppose to act like a guiding principals of our society to show the path the right direction and we are suppose to find the right decision in that direction based on our better judgement of the current situation or are these laws are written to followed like a blind slave a zombi following the text not in principle but in plain text execution........................... we are humans we have the ability to judge the situation as they are and act on them based on our wisdom, conscience and not of men lived 60 years before us we know that this case needed an exceptional judgement because this was an unprecedented crime an exception should have been made to hang the bastards all of them minor no minor irrespective.
Rape is not a crime of impulse or instance person committing this crime is always fully aware of what he is doing and why he is doing it it's a crime for sick pleasure and no excuse can be given for it. and to our misfortune such a heinous crime is take so lightly. The rape of Nirbhaya was so brutal that it exceeds all limits. Had this rape be committed to a girl of a prominent political family and we have many such families in our country would the criminal would still be alive leave alone walking free answer is a BIG NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but these families walk around with NSG commandos and police protection so such arimes are not there problem if they catch a cold they run to USA for treatment so they make fun of the misery of common man. ......................... BUT I AM SURE JUSTICE WILL BE DONE IF NOT BY MAN THEN BY GOD. And then not just those who committed the crime will suffer but also those who were responsible for delivering justice but failed to do so will suffer the same.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

How ODD is this even

So Arvind Kejriwal is going for odd/even formula for cars and this idea he has copied from Beijing.
When Bejing implemented this idea they made sure that their public transport system is upgraded completely to handle the commuters influx in the city. They did proper research and study which included administrative and infrastructure capacity then did a feasibility study and then in a proper manner they implemented it with full preparation.
Enforcement in communist China has never been a problem so that is not a problem for them in any ways.
On the other side here in New Delhi Arvind Kejriwal no doubt is of communist mindset but he has failed to understand that he is not running a autocratic govt. like China. So here are few basic question which are bugging me if anyone who thinks this is a good idea would care to answer i will be very thankful.
1) Is Delhi's already overcrowd public transport systems like DTC and DMRC have been upgraded to meet the increased influx of commuters?
2) Delhi police is already short in sanctioned manpower by 50% is it prepared to enforce and handle this kind of law and under what part of traffic rules will they book the violation.
3) Is there any clarity on whether this rule will be applicable on vehicles with registration number other than Delhi and what about the private taxis.?
4) Is there any plan to regulate auto and taxi fares which will skyrocket due to the increased numbers of commuters and lack of alternatives?
There are many other complexities other than this but these are the few to begin with and once these are answered we can move on to others.
Other than these technical problems there are social problems as well, today Delhi Govt. has announced exemption for women from this rule well given the women security record of Delhi I would say its a good decision but on the other hand the growing exemption list will be the very reason which will defeat the very purpose of this whole exercise....................... In my opinion this is another one of AK's marketing ops as he want to be seen as a person who is trying to do something so all those who are elated just by the thought of his noble intentions and less than futile attempts kindly stop and think over it because there are people who are doing some real work and thinking to sove the very problem by practical means which are suited better to a democratic setup rather than borrowing ideas from communists.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Lessons India Needs to Learn From Seriyan Crisis

Why almost every country which has stakes in global geopolitics is involve in some way or the other in the seriyan conflict. Mention of U.S.A specifically is a waste of time I think because since after world war that is one country which in the root of every conflict directly or in directly and reasons and conditions of their involvement is no longer a secret.
                  However involvement of Russia is indeed a bold move by Putin and it will have far reaching effects in time to come. Russian involvement has acted as a game changer to so far an orchestrated war on terror like activity by U.S and its western allies has turned into a real war on terror.  Although it is hard to tell what kind of terror Americans are fighting because American argument of removing Assad because he is a tyrant dictators is like alligator saying that he is going vegetarian. U.S.A has a long history of supporting dictators(Saddam Hussain, Ayub Khan, Yayha Khan, Pervez Musshraf etc etc.) and Monarchies like Saudi Arabia which are quite brutal in their conduct of governance. So it is quite clear that Americas call for human right rises in countries and against the regimes which act opposite to American agenda. The whole so called Arab spring is in itself is a classic example of this where every govt. or dictator was toppled in the name of democracy with the help of U.S.A but amazingly every time the rebel group was a hardliner jihadi group like muslim brother hood in Egypt and yet America present it self as the champion of anti terror war and ironically every one believes that.
                          Rise of ISIS in itself is pretty amazing, one day a rebel group among many groups fighting in seriya next day worlds richest most powerful and fearsome terror group controlling a one third of Iraq and half of Seriya. A group so brutal that it make Al-Quida look like a band of boys. ISIS fighters are trained like U.S paratroopers and navy seals capable of routing State Armies armed with Tanks, Helicopter Gunships and Missiles. All this clearly could not happen in a day or even 10 years unless a major world power is providing the funds weapons and training and given the facts that ISIS arsenals of weapons contains more American weapons than Russian and the its expansion of territory even after the claimed Air campaign that U.S and its allies are conducting since last 4 years its pretty amazing that they are still capturing towns after towns and cities after cities, something seems fishy specially when after the involvement of Russia the same group is on the run so either Russians better fighters then Americans or Americans were not even fighting ISIS.
                          Now in the backdrop of this information we need to think that what every one is doing In Seriya. U.S  is there for another puppet state like Iraq and Afganistan and it has with the involvement of Russia has now became a matter or pried of the worlds only superpower.
Whats in it for Russia??? After the fall of Iraq Assad is the only Russian ally in that region, Its like a gateway to Russia and It's fall will means the end of Tatrus Naval base of Russia and hence any Russian Military presence in middle east. Now it woulden't have been such a big issue has Russia and west have been on a cordial note as they were a few years ago but since the annexation Creamea things are different now U.S determination to dominate Russia in its own neighborhood and treat it like a third world country and Russia's willingness to regain the lost pride and position in Global power play has changed the situation.
                        In short we can say that every country is fighting for their pride and position trying to keep the battle field away from their own borders and safeguarding their peoples interest before any one else's.
                      You must be wondering what India can take away from all this. There is a lot, for instance we need to learn that we need to fight for our country and safe guard our national interest first and than think about the stability of Pakistan. We need to take the battle away from our boundaries to the door steps of our enemies and so far we have done just the opposite we fight in side our boundaries. Most of all we need to have goals which we want to achieve and then a plan short term and long term both to achieve that a strategy a policy to act upon which we do not have. We are not even clear if we want the whole Kashmier or just the part we control, do we really want our land back from China or we just want to defend what we have so that China cannot take any more.
On the other hand our opponents have clear objective, Pakistan want whole of Kashmier and China wants whole of Arunanchal Pradesh and they are relently perusing their agenda improveing their strategies through trial and error testing new tactics every year, and unfortunately to a large extent they are successful. So we need to learn the game of geopolitics and shed the pacifism of Nehru era which was disastrous for us then and is even today we need to proactively start acting like a regional superpower taking responsibilities creating an sphere of influence in our neighborhood and we most definitely should not let small countries like Srilanka, Nepal, Bangladesh and Maldievs threaten us this reflect very badly on India and most definitely we should ensure that India have significant influence over these countries Govt. and policies that's the only way we can secure our boundaries.
We should learn to use our gigantic armed forces for effect because 1.3 million strong army if not used for power projection is nothing but a big waste of money and man power which we cannot afford so we should use this strong army, formidable navy and effective airforce for power projection and as an instrument to achieve our nonstrategic goals in near far.
We must remember that in war winning is everything.