Monday, September 23, 2013

Is Secularism That Important ??????????

Congress supporters.............................or I'd rather say NARENDRA MODI haters because they are from different political patronage are trying to propagate many misconceptions about Narendra Modi like he is a dictator, communal and a hardliner...................but when u will ask about any substantial logic and proof in favor of these claims all they have to offer is 2002 riots and nothing i wonder the ppl who are ready to overlook 55 years of divide and rule agenda of congress and its allies, corruption and violence..................ineffective foreign policy...............they are not ready to let go of one incidence of 2002 riots despite of the harmony and peace of 11 consecutive years in Gujraat under Narendra Modi/B.J.P rule..................................and the basis of this blind following is the so called communal vs secular it might seems shocking to my friends but i have a question that is secularism is that big a phenomenon that whole country can be sacrificed for it, for instance if china will occupy or capture the north east and Pakistan captures kashmier, will secularism help us defend our land.........................besides i thing India is sufficiently secular and we dont need any more debate on that our constitution is good enough for that.........................what we really need to focus is development, sound economic policies and an effective foreign policy, anti corruption laws..............................because so far the debate over communal and secular has done nothing but fuel dividing factors..............and all the real issues are pushed in the back seat due to this debate.............................tell me how many countries have the word secular in their constitution..................even U.S.A does not have this word superficially in their constitution....................are those countries not living with peace or are there not incidence of violence in the name of cast, creed or religion...............................these things co exist but we need to decide as to which issue should be given more importance at what time and in current situation this should not even be the last thing on the list to be discussed because all these things exists if India exists and we remain free then we will have plenty of time for this.............................................but trust me my friends if we carry on like this for another 10 years we will loose our Identity as an Indian leave alone hindu or muslim...................................for some their community may be more important than their country but for those who give more importance to country than community its time to rethink........................................just remember what happened to jews  when they didn't have a country of their own they were hunted, killed and disrespected by every community in every country and there are no exceptions so now see how hard they defend their home called ISREAL...................................lets hope we dont face the same situation    

1 comment:

  1. I seriously want to know what exactly is this 'secularism' according to our so called seculars ???
    Freedom to confess, practice and propagate religion of one’s choice as they are allowed to do so by the state OR constantly praising other religions which are 'minorities' and neglecting and disrespecting just one particular religion ??? Why secularism has become the only agenda to be taken care of in our country .. this is beyond my understanding ... because India 'IS' a secular country! our constitution says so! .. and if anyone believes and acts otherwise, he or she is punished by the law. Is any other proof required to stress on the importance of secularism in India ? Then why can't our politicians leave it at that and can maybe start thinking about India as a country with its citizens as Indians, and not just different communities ... and as far as giving importance to one's own religion is concerned.. i strongly believe that to be visible one needs to be assertive. No matter how rude it might sound, assertiveness is one of the most important qualities that helps us to survive.
    So, I absolutely agree with you my friend.. for those who give more importance to being secular than preserving and protecting their own religion ... its time they started thinking logically and not 'secularily' (its not a term but who cares ;) ) .
