Tuesday, April 15, 2014

What "AAP" wants

kejriwal has done nothing but to divert the public anger from congress and its corruption AAP has been persuing the agenda from the beginning the biggest example is Delhi..................... 4 states went to elections 3 voted BJP to majority and 1 (Delhi) voted BJP to be the largest party however BJP fell short of 4 seats even then congress was wiped out and people of Delhi made it very clear that they do not want congress even near the administrative establishments in any way. Their first choice was BJP with 32 seats and second choice was AAP with 28 seats...............
                          BJP was not able to form the govt. as they did not have the majority and were ready to go to re-election despite of the chances that they might get the majority or AAP might get the majority but under any circumstances congress was gone for good bu AAP then decides to form a minority govt. with the outside support of congress and ensured that no reelection can take place in Delhi before the loak sabha polls .......................... and then when they achieved their objective they quit so they can peruse the this agenda to stop BJP at all cost and divert public anger from corrupt and anti national activities of congress on a larger scale. So all that AAP wants is to stop the BJP from attaining majority figures of 272 so that if not congress no stable govt. can be formed and we all know what happens when there is a hung parliament..................... it always goes to the benefit of congress  we have witnessed it for many times during 1977 general election then almost the whole decade of 90's was ruined do to the power hunger of congress as country was burdened by 4 re-elections as congress first supported a number of parties and then withdrawn its support from 2 govt. just to stop BJP from forming the Govt. ...................................................... So my dear friends do not wast u r votes by voting regional parties or parties like AAP as every vote not given to BJP will go to congress in some way or the other................................. its the final battle so vote for no one else but for Narendra Modi and destroy the corrupt congress don't let it survive destruction of congress will be a first major blow to corruption and then we will deal with the other issues later ........................................ think again think hard it's time to get rid of congress

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