Thursday, April 17, 2014


"Lets defeat Communal Politics - Lets defeat Narendra Modi." this statement in itself showcase the bias thought process of those who are opposing Narendra Modi as Narendra Modi is only 12 years old in active politics and BJP is only 25 years.
                      Community cast and religion based politics is very old in India and dirtiest phase was initiated by the British and was carried forward by congress and muslim league itself.Inclusion of the  the word "SECULAR"  in the preamble was a part of the same communal politics which self acclaimed secular people hate so much.................... there was no need to highlight any such word as India was a secular state from the beaning and was not declared as a hindu or islamic state like pakistan and that was pricisily the reason that those learned gentlemen who framed the most extensive and inclusive constitution of the world chose not to specifically highlight this phenomenon as they knew the repercussions  ................................. talking of Narendra Modi  i just want to say one thing that whatever his ideologies are he is doing a marvelous job as Gujraat is the only state which has seen 12 consecutive peaceful years without even a smallest communal clash and it's not like this is due to his fear had that been the reason we would have been seeing a large scale migration of muslim population from gujraat but there is no such thing happening the reason is that in gujraat rule of law prevails and there is no discrimination so everybody gets equal opportunity to do business and prosper  ............................ if you can't see that or decide to bypass this fact then my dear friend it would be hard for any logical person to believe the legitimacy of your claim. Last but not the least I am really surprised to see that when some one speak against Narendra Modi he/she gets a lots of attention irrespective of whether that person is a Hindu, Muslim or a Christian however when someone speaks in favor of Narendra Modi then reactions are different, for example:
1) If the person is a hindu he/she is tagged as communal and a right wing extremist .
2) If the person is christian/sikh/parsi he/she is tagged as biased or sold or uninformed. depending upon the        level of support.
3) If by chance the person is a muslim his/her statement or actions will be ignored overall by the self                 acclaimed secular people no tagging but no acknowledgement as well.
                   Amazing isn't it so my friends ponder over it and let me know your views.................... will be back soon with a new thought.

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