Monday, April 21, 2014


Recently i came across a new propaganda campaign of AAP it was amazing to see the capacity of the people to get fooled by false allegations as no one bothers to cross check that whether there is any substantial fact behind the claim or not....................... for example the recent attacks on Modi's Gujraat development model by AAP supporters is based on the debt of Gujraat they are giving some very high numerical figures in terms of overall debt and also in the breakup of per capita debt or debt revenue ratio or debt percentage with respect to GDP of the state these are all few reference ratios and as we all know economy is not as absolute as science or mathematics because everything is referential. 
So keeping that in mind we need to analyse the situation with a vigilant mind and keep a clear reference frame in this article it will be debt to development however before proceeding to that i will shed some light on some of the ratios mentioned above for the sake of comparison at later stages.

1) According to planning commission  in 2001-02,the public debt of Gujarat was 38.78% of GSDP. There is is a steady decline in debt over the years and the Budget Data shows that revised estimates of Public Debt for 2012-13 was at 19.93% of GSDP. Debt.
 The Interest payment on the debt as a percentage of revenue receipts also has been on a constant decline, from 26.82% in 2004-05 to 14.52% in 2012-13.

2) The ratio of total public debt as a percentage of total revenue receipts is considered to be one of the parameters for evaluating the sustainability of debt. As per the review of Fiscal Reform Facility by Ministry of Finance (MoF), a benchmark of 3 for this ratio indicates that the State is highly stressed in terms of debt and debt servicing. In case of Gujarat the total debt to total revenue receipts is showing a declining trend indicating an improved debt sustainability of the State, This ratio dropped from 2.86 in 2004-05 to 1.83 in 2012-13 emphasizing that Gujarat’s debt is well sustainable.

3) And as we are discussing Gujraat so critically  it would be interesting to examine the situation at the center. The Public debt of the Central Government was an astronomical Rs 44, 68,714 crore, or 49.8% of the GDP. In contrast Gujarat’s public debt was Rs 1, 38,978 crore or 19.93% of GDP. An IMF Report estimated India’s debt to GDP Ratio as 68.05%, thus making it the highest among the BRIC countries. Further, High debt to GDP ratio tends to dampen the credit worthiness of our economy. Viewing its increasing debt, Fitch had cut India’s outlook to negative from stable in the recent past. 

Well after i reached mid-way of my discussion i realized that I never heard Arvind Kejriwal or any of his supporters criticizing central Govt on these technical issues in such detail as they are trying on Modi and Gujraat Model of Development................................. 
Any ways these were few points on which economy is judged normally small technical details of which most of the public is mostly unaware ................... now i will come to the main comparison............................................. 

Following is the list of top 10 countries which are considered economic superpowers of the world however don't mistake the rankings with their wealth as the list and the ranking is based on their external debt.
RankCountryExternal debt[US dollars
Per capita]% of GDP]
1 United States17,344,649,888,999
2 United Kingdom10,090,000,000,000
3 Germany5,719,000,000,000
4 France5,275,000,000,000
5 Japan3,024,000,000,000
6 China3,000,000,000,000
7 Netherlands2,655,489,600,000
8 Luxembourg[note 1]2,643,000,000,000
9 Italy2,460,000,000,000
10 Spain2,290,000,000,000
External Debt is the debt that a Govt. owns to the  creditors outside the country i.e Govt. of other countries, corporate houses based in other countries or a non residential individual.
To make my point more clear i will give another list for the second aspect of my reference frame i.e development So following is the list of top 10 developed countries by Human development Index.












  The idea behind this comparison must been clear to those who have in depth knowledge of economy. The point is if debt is the criteria to refute the development then how come the countries in above two lists are in both the lists simultaneously on more or less the same ranking it is impossible by the logic of AAP leader Arvind Kejriwal because according to him there is no development in Gujraat as there is so much debt on Gujraat so according to him there is absolutely no development in USA or UK or JAPAN for that reason ................................... but unfortunately(for AAP supporters) Arvind Kejriwal is not an authority on this issue( thanks to God).
                              However it does not means that debt is a guarantee  of development, no not at all. But we need to understand that money when invested properly gives profit and it doesn't matter if it's your or its a loan and if you can make enough profit to pay back the interest and debt by using it wisely debt will no longer be a liability it will become a tool to expand the operational capability of the organization as we have seen in the new liberalized economy.   
           Gujraat to it's credit have devised a brilliant development model by improvising on an already tested model over the years which is way much better than its western counterparts............................................................ SO DON'T FALL PREY TO FALSE PROPAGANDA LOOK FOR THE TRUTH YOUR SELF.
                                     In the End I thank you all for reading my views and I invite every one to kindly give your opinion and feed backs. I would appreciate a logical and fact based criticism. I believe in learning from everyone so help me with my learning.                                                                                               JAI HIND 

Thursday, April 17, 2014


"Lets defeat Communal Politics - Lets defeat Narendra Modi." this statement in itself showcase the bias thought process of those who are opposing Narendra Modi as Narendra Modi is only 12 years old in active politics and BJP is only 25 years.
                      Community cast and religion based politics is very old in India and dirtiest phase was initiated by the British and was carried forward by congress and muslim league itself.Inclusion of the  the word "SECULAR"  in the preamble was a part of the same communal politics which self acclaimed secular people hate so much.................... there was no need to highlight any such word as India was a secular state from the beaning and was not declared as a hindu or islamic state like pakistan and that was pricisily the reason that those learned gentlemen who framed the most extensive and inclusive constitution of the world chose not to specifically highlight this phenomenon as they knew the repercussions  ................................. talking of Narendra Modi  i just want to say one thing that whatever his ideologies are he is doing a marvelous job as Gujraat is the only state which has seen 12 consecutive peaceful years without even a smallest communal clash and it's not like this is due to his fear had that been the reason we would have been seeing a large scale migration of muslim population from gujraat but there is no such thing happening the reason is that in gujraat rule of law prevails and there is no discrimination so everybody gets equal opportunity to do business and prosper  ............................ if you can't see that or decide to bypass this fact then my dear friend it would be hard for any logical person to believe the legitimacy of your claim. Last but not the least I am really surprised to see that when some one speak against Narendra Modi he/she gets a lots of attention irrespective of whether that person is a Hindu, Muslim or a Christian however when someone speaks in favor of Narendra Modi then reactions are different, for example:
1) If the person is a hindu he/she is tagged as communal and a right wing extremist .
2) If the person is christian/sikh/parsi he/she is tagged as biased or sold or uninformed. depending upon the        level of support.
3) If by chance the person is a muslim his/her statement or actions will be ignored overall by the self                 acclaimed secular people no tagging but no acknowledgement as well.
                   Amazing isn't it so my friends ponder over it and let me know your views.................... will be back soon with a new thought.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

मुसलमानों की निष्ठा का इतिहास और वर्तमान

जब से आज़म खान का कारगिल की लड़ाई पर मुसलमानों को ले कर  बयान आया है।  तब से   मुसलमानों की देशभक्ति पर बेहेस छिड़ गयी है । अब ऐसा नहीं है की भारत में देशभक्त मुसलमान नहीं हुए अशफाक उल्लाह खान जैसे बहुत से नाम हैं जिन पर हर भारत वासी को गर्व है और आज भी वीर अब्दुल हमीद की बहादुरी पर भी भारत को गर्व है।  और पूर्व राष्ट्रपति डॉक्टर अब्दुलकलाम तो मेरे जीवन आदर्श हैं।
                  इन सब बातों को याद करने का कारन ये बताना है की देशभक्ति किसी पंथ की मोहताज नहीं है।  अब जो में कहने जा रहा हूँ वो बात कड़वी है पर सोच कर देखिएगा सच है।
                   शुरू से ही पाकिस्तान भारत से नफरत करता है ये बात किसी से छुपी नहीं है लेकिन ये बात लगता है सब भूल गए  हैं की जिन्होंने पाकिस्तान माँगा और देश का बंटवारा करवाया वो भारत के ही मुसलमान थे ईरान या सऊदी अरब से नहीं आये थे और ये बात भी सच है की १९४७ में मुसलमानों की ९० % आबादी पाकिस्तान चाहती थी तभी ये बंटवारा संभव हुआ और आज़ादी की लड़ाई के दौरान जब सब साथ मिल कर लड़ रहे थे कोई सपने में भी नहीं सोच सकता होगा की जब आज़ादी मिलने का समय आएगा तो वो ऐसे बदल जायेंगे।
                               आज़ादी के ६५ साल बाद भी उस मानसिकता में जादा बदलाव नहीं आया है उदहारण हैं कश्मीर में मुसलमानों का भारत से विरोध और पाकिस्तान से लगाव।  एक और उदहारण है १६ दिसंबर २०१३ को अख़बारों में खबर आई की रामेश्वरम के गावों में हिन्दुओं का प्रवेश वर्जित कर दिया   गया था।  और अकबरउद्दीन ओवैसी जैसे लोगों का इतना बड़ा जनाधार इस बात का उदहारण है की आज के हालत १९४७ से कहीं ज़यदा ख़राब हैं भारत के संविधान को भारत की सीमाओं में चुनौती मिल रही है अफज़ल गुरु जैसे आतंकवादिओं के मृत्युदंड पर आंसू बहाये जा रहे हैं उनकी और उनके परिवारों की भावनाओं का हवाला दे कर उन शहीदों का अपमान किया जा रहा है जिन्हों ने अपनी जान दे कर ऐसे आतंकवादिओं से देश की रक्षा की और उन भारतीओं का अपमान किया जा रहा है जो आतंकवाद का शिकार हुए।  क्या ये मानसिकता देशभक्तों की होती है ?????????????
                             ये सच है की भारत में बहुत से मुसलमान राष्ट्र भक्त हैं परन्तु ये भी एक कटु सत्य है की ऐसे रष्ट्रभक्तों की गिनती बहुत कम है।  आज भी भारत में ज़यदा गिनती उन मुसलमानों की है जो  मुल्क से पहले कौम के वफादार हैं।
                             मुसलमानों को आज ये शिकायत है की उनको शक की नज़रों से देखा जाता है।  में व्यक्तिगत सोच की बात नहीं करता वो सबकी भिन्न होती है।  बात सामाजिक स्तर पर सोच की है क्यूंकि व्यक्ति का समाज के दबाव में आ जाना आम बात है।  क्यूंकि बड़ी हिम्मत चाहिए समाज के विरुद्ध जा कर सत्य का साथ देने के लिए और सत्य ये है की बहुत से मुसलमानों ने व्यक्तिगत स्तर पर तो राष्ट्रभक्ति के उच्चतम उदहारण प्रस्तुत किये हैं जो सभी भारतियों के लिए प्रेरणा का स्त्रोत्र हैं परन्तु सामाजिक स्तर पर जो उदहारण हैं वो भारत के बंटवारे और पाकिस्तान, बांग्लादेश में हिन्दुओं पर बर्बर अत्यचार और मानवाधिकार हनन के हैं। गोधरा काण्ड को भी हिन्दू समाज भूल नहीं सका है जो बिना किसी उकसावे के किया गया कृत्या था और असम में हिन्दुओं का नरसंहार की यादें भी ताज़ा हैं।  
                     अगर मुसलमानोंको ये लगता है की भारत में उनके साथ अत्यचार हुआ है तो ज़रा पाकिस्तान में हिन्दुओं की हालत देखें फिर बोलेन जितनी आज़ादी उन्हें हिंदुस्तान में है उतनी तो सऊदी अरब में नहीं है न ही अमेरिका में हैं।  इसलिए पहले भरोसा करना सीखें और सामाजिक स्तर पर खुद में बदलाव लाएं बिना दबाव या बहकावे ए हुए तथ्यों का आकलन करें और दूसरों के नज़रिये को समझने की कोशिश करें सत्य को पहचानें और भारत के हितों को सर्वोपरि मान कर कर्म करें तभी आप अखंड भारत के निर्माण में योगदान दे पाएंगे अन्यथा एक और पाकिस्तान बनाने की कोशिशों के औज़ार बन के रह जायेंगे।
                                                       वन्दे मातरम।  

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

What "AAP" wants

kejriwal has done nothing but to divert the public anger from congress and its corruption AAP has been persuing the agenda from the beginning the biggest example is Delhi..................... 4 states went to elections 3 voted BJP to majority and 1 (Delhi) voted BJP to be the largest party however BJP fell short of 4 seats even then congress was wiped out and people of Delhi made it very clear that they do not want congress even near the administrative establishments in any way. Their first choice was BJP with 32 seats and second choice was AAP with 28 seats...............
                          BJP was not able to form the govt. as they did not have the majority and were ready to go to re-election despite of the chances that they might get the majority or AAP might get the majority but under any circumstances congress was gone for good bu AAP then decides to form a minority govt. with the outside support of congress and ensured that no reelection can take place in Delhi before the loak sabha polls .......................... and then when they achieved their objective they quit so they can peruse the this agenda to stop BJP at all cost and divert public anger from corrupt and anti national activities of congress on a larger scale. So all that AAP wants is to stop the BJP from attaining majority figures of 272 so that if not congress no stable govt. can be formed and we all know what happens when there is a hung parliament..................... it always goes to the benefit of congress  we have witnessed it for many times during 1977 general election then almost the whole decade of 90's was ruined do to the power hunger of congress as country was burdened by 4 re-elections as congress first supported a number of parties and then withdrawn its support from 2 govt. just to stop BJP from forming the Govt. ...................................................... So my dear friends do not wast u r votes by voting regional parties or parties like AAP as every vote not given to BJP will go to congress in some way or the other................................. its the final battle so vote for no one else but for Narendra Modi and destroy the corrupt congress don't let it survive destruction of congress will be a first major blow to corruption and then we will deal with the other issues later ........................................ think again think hard it's time to get rid of congress