Tuesday, May 7, 2013


So called young dynamic high tech generation of India. A generation expected to make India a super power a generation with a burden of expectation to provide a better India a glorious India to future generations. Are we really up to the task ???????????? From where I am looking at the situation I'll say we are not. In fact we are no where even close to what we say an average aware generation because every major issue of concern is limited to drawing room debates or once in a while public forum argument to prove that we are also educated and intellectuals. However deep down we all know the direction in which we are going. In India at an average almost every person in the age range of 15 to 35 is doing everything for one and only one reason that is to earn as much money as they can by any means possible. We study engineering not to become pioneers in engineering but to get placed in MNC's we study medical to someday become the owner of a big hospital with fat earning. Civil services comes with the tag of genius and lots of power and money.
            Every one wants to have fun and wants some one else to take responsibilities but to that person no one wants to provide any authority. Now ours is a generation which when talks about women rights and their protection your heart will be filled with proud and eyes with tears of joy watching the sensitivity in the words but the same person can be easily spotted watching a porn movie and dancing on the tunes of yo yo hunny singh's song named "main hoon balatkari" in which the singer has explained in very vulgar words how he will rape the girl whom he love so much !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  as if rape is an expression of love and the worst part is this type of thinking is getting very common in our urban educated youth and rural uneducated youth.
        The worst part of this set up is even the girls are getting use to of sexually explicit behavior. Not long ago one night stand and live in relation ships were considered as not good in India but with the advent of western culture our youth is getting more and more immoral fighting with parents short term relation ships, by hook or by crook attitude for short term gains.............we were not like this we belong to a culture where parents and teachers are kept before God. Women are worshiped and relationship as values, but we are loosing it all.
            On social awareness we will go out and protest against corruption but when it comes to us we want the easy way out  some short cut by spending few hundred buks. we want to watch IPL when chinese troops intrude in our boundaries and there is a war like situation with our two neighboring countries we want to know the score of Delhi Dare Devils and are more interested in watching cheerleaders.
            We are the future generation of India and we don't know our past, 9 out of 10 ppl cant tell the names of our last 2 presidents and prim ministers  leave alone other ministers and officers. We just don't care till the time the fire reaches our very own house.
          In this situation how we will make India a super power? youth of a superpower does not act like slaves, they live with respect. Youth of a superpower should be aware, educated, innovative and most of all should have high moral values. Now my question to every young person in India is : Do we have it in us to make our mother land a superpower in next 15 to 20 year?????????????             

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