Monday, May 6, 2013


A class of Indians must be very happy as china agreed to maintain status quo in bargain of demolitions of Indian army bunker and pushing back Indian army another 15 km back in thieir own boundries but there are ppl who are actually saying that this is a good bargain as no blood was shed and the and lost is barren land and just few thousand km of land should not effect bilateral ties......................these are those ppl who are a die hard fan of congress and nehre gandhi family they listen to yo yo hunny singh music, justify drinking and says publicly that the one who has not seen lahore has not seen any thing and that pakistanies are good at heart its just that terrorism is there way of defense as they are not capable to defend themselves conventionally............................believe me or not my friends these ppl are very much Indian and they are not chinese or muslims however they are the biggest threat to India and on a very sad note they are the majority population of India as i can find no other reason for the victory of congress again and again specially in states with high literacy rate like kerela and with this attitude our country is destined to doom and become as raw material source for the build up of other nation and while new economic powers will be born new milletry power will fex their muscles we will provide raw material for their wars and fuel their economy and act like a slave..........................................and in this case i will not give the army any credit as well coz role of the army is to defend their country from enemies foreign and domestic unfortunately they are unable to defend us from either one of matter how highly trained they are or how brave they are if they act like puppets and slave to a corrupt system all their capability and valor is in vain and they are no better than any other common man.........................with great powers comes great responsibility and as most powerful organization its time for the army to take control and defend our boundaries in any way they seems fit.   

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